GSDC’s Achievements:

10 years

In Business




Monthly Blog Readers


Global Training Organizations

Why To Become An Emerald Author:

As an Emerald Author with GSDC, your ideas and insights can inspire professionals across 195 countries. Publish 10 articles to earn author distinction, with your story and photo featured on our website. Amplify your voice, gain global recognition, and create opportunities while making a lasting impact.

Why write for the GSDC?

Global Recognition

Build your brand as a thought leader.

Profit Sharing

Earn 20% of payments made using your discount code.

Wide Reach

Access a global audience via our platform and networks.

Community Impact

Share insights and grow professional skills worldwide.

How It Works

We welcome all passionate writers across backgrounds and fields who are ready to engage readers worldwide.

Write & Publish:

Post articles on our portal, your site, or third-party platforms.

Share Your Discount Code:

Receive a unique code to include in your articles.

Earn Profit:

Earn 20% of every payment made with your code, with transparent tracking

Profit Sharing Calculation:

At GSDC, we believe in rewarding authors for the value they bring to our platform. Through our revenue-sharing model, authors can earn a commission based on the purchases made using their unique discount codes. Here's an example of how the revenue-sharing works:

Scenario: An author publishes a blog on "Best Generative AI Certification" and includes a link to the GSDC Generative AI Certificate page, offering their readers a special discount.

Listed Price of the Certificate: USD 100

Learner's Discount: GSDC offers a 20% discount to learners who use the author's unique discount code. This means the learners pay USD 80 (after the discount of USD 20 is applied).

Author's Revenue Share (20%): The author receives a commission of 20% on the discounted price of the certificate, which is USD 80.Thus, the author's revenue share is calculated as follows:

  • Summary of Revenue Sharing:20% of USD 80 = USD 16
  • Total Certificate Price: USD 100
  • Learner's Discount: USD 20 (20%)
  • Price After Discount: USD 80
  • Author's Commission (20% of USD 80): USD 16

This means the author will earn USD 16 for each successful certificate purchase made by a learner who uses their unique discount code.

We're searching for distinct voices like yours to empower - from industry experts with insights to share, students using writing to drive change, and inspiring members of every community.

Featured Writers

An Emerald Author's Commitments

As a participant in the Emerald Author Program, we ask that you commit to the following to ensure high-quality content and a successful collaboration:

By adhering to these commitments, you'll help grow your presence, boost engagement, and maximize revenue potential through GSDC's platform.